Dearest Colleagues
It is now my time to say my good-byes and thank you kindly for our close cooperation. I have been privileged to represent Romania and Romanians in Bavaria for two consecutive mandates, thus witnessing both the the development of the Romanian community here, the biggest EU community and Bavaria’s own developments.
I take this opportunity to thank all of you for the close and collegial cooperation, the interesting dialogues and the great events you organized. These have been 9 years of my life as a professional, but also as a human who has enjoyed the best of Bavaria and its kind and proud people! Thank you!
My professional path takes me now to my home-country where I will be the Head of the Representation of the European Commission to Bucharest starting with 01.07.
Best regards and don’t be strangers if you find yourselves in Bucharest sometime!
All my best and good health to all of you,
Va multumesc, a fost o onoare!
Iulia-Ramona CHIRIAC
Generalkonsulat von Rumänien
Adresse: Richard-Strauss Str. 149
81679 München
Fax: 0049-(0)89-55 3348